Finding things to wear during pregnancy has been a little interesting for me. I suppose I assumed that having a baby bump makes everything cute, but that is not necessarily the case. To say it’s been a challenge to find cute outfits that fit and are comfortable would be a major understatement, at least for me. What I wear has always been a creative outlet for me and I didn’t want to give up on that entirely for 9 months. I also hoped to find an alternative to purchasing a whole new wardrobe that I can only use for a few short months. My goal has been to wear my pre-pregnancy items as much as I possible. If I need to buy something new, I try to make sure it’s something I can use after the baby comes as well. I normally don’t post anything about fashion or clothes. I’m not a stylist or style blogger by any stretch of the imagination! However, I have found a few things that have worked for me pretty well thus far and thought maybe these tips might be helpful to someone else out there too.
Disclaimer: God has created everyone so uniquely beautiful. Each individual is so distinct, so things are bound work differently depending on the person. Comparing ourselves to one another is never beneficial. Our bodies, our lives and really everything about us wonderfully unique. I try not to ever assume or think that what has worked for me will work for you, and vice versa. So again, this is simply what I’ve found helpful in my own journey.
1. Find as much as possible in your own closet.
After finding out we were expecting I took an inventory of my closet to see what might work for pregnancy. About 6 months or so before that fateful November day, I started trying to keep pregnancy in mind if I needed anything new. Of course, I didn’t stick to it, but I did get some things I might have otherwise passed up. (Hello, if I’m going to buy it I might as well be able to wear it!) Once we were a few months in, I removed everything that wasn’t going to work during pregnancy. I absolutely love tailored dressed and waist-defining styles, so much of my current wardrobe had to go live in the spare closet for a while. Once the absolute no’s were removed, I made sections in my closet: yes, maybe and probably not. I left quite a few things in the “probably not” section because I had no idea how I was going to change or what might work. The “yes” section was front and center, so I could always grab at least something that would look ok…and most importantly keep me comfortable.
2. Only buy the maternity things that are a MUST.
Obviously, my stomach and hip area has changed quite a bit in the last few months. Regular jeans are a joke on me now. (Believe me, I tried my old ones on a few days ago! It made me feel super great…not!) The only maternity items I absolutely must have are bottoms. I picked up 1 pair of skinny jeans early on because the belly band/ pants-extender things never worked for me. Plus, maternity jeans are the BEST EVER! Stretch heaven I tell you! I almost (note the almost!) don’t want to ever stop wearing them. Since the heat has finally arrived, I realized I needed to get some shorts as well. One black and one white should suffice. I’m not crazy about either pair because they’re rather baggy, but at least I won’t sweat to death this Summer!
3. Flowy tops and dresses are your friend.
I just have to say that maternity tops and dresses look AWFUL on me. Instead, I’ve found loose-fitting pieces in own closet and from my regular stores. If it’s still a little snug on the belly, I just go a size up. I’m not going back to my normal self right away anyway, but I know I won’t want to wear maternity tops post-baby. It seems like non-materntiy clothes are just look better on and off the hanger anyway. Plus, fashion these days is much more suitable for pregnancy that in years past. I lived in the 3 shift dresses I owned for months. Now they are getting a little snug, but hey, they lasted for over 6 months! Anything A-line or with an empire waist is great as well. Really, dresses are what I wear more often than not. I already had a good bit that work well for me or that I make work. Dresses have worked the best by far. They’re comfortable and I feel pretty good in them for the most part! When I do purchase a new dress, I let my sister try it on (we’re really close to the same size) to make sure it will look great post-baby too. I try to keep nursing in mind too. (That will be interesting as well.)
4. Borrow as much as you can.
My sweet sister and bestie have so graciously lent me a few things that work for me from their own closets. A few things can go a long way! I’m the first one of my close friends to have a little one, so I don’t have any mama’s to borrow from. Maybe you do! If so, take advantage of it! I’ve been so thankful for the pieces I’ve borrowed. Sometimes it is nice to put on something new, even if it’s only new-to-me! Once I get near the bitter end of the 3rd trimester, I may try to borrow more maternity things just to get by. We’ll see when that time comes I guess!
5. Embrace the change!
This is definitely one thing I’m preaching to myself over and over again. In all honesty, it’s been hard to adjust to what feel like changes that have come overnight. What worked great yesterday might not tomorrow. That’s ok. Sometimes it’s hard not to get discouraged after trying on 4 or 5 different outfits in attempt to find ANYTHING that makes me feel good. There are days when I feel like a fat lard and that nothing will ever look good…EVER! (Yeah, I’m dramatic sometimes. Can we blame it on pregnancy hormones? Ok, great.) One particular morning I woke up and freaked out over what I thought was a stretch mark. It’s then that I have to learn (and learn again and again) to step back and remember what a privilege it is to carry this little miracle. I hope to continually have a spirit of thankfulness and gratitude, but I’m not perfect. Even though I am so blessed, my heart still manages to find ungratefulness and discontent. It’s a daily challenge to focus on Jesus, on what matters and to choose joy instead of worrying about things I can’t control. As long as the baby and I are healthy and growing, that is all that matters right now. I’m sacrificing my body for the sake of another. Albeit, it is a very challenging journey but it is such a beautiful one as well.
That’s about all I have for now! I still have a 97 days, so I may have to do another one for when things start getting really, really big! I hope I can make it with what I have, but we will see! Do you have anything that has worked well for you? I’d love to hear!
I hate to tell you this but I didn’t gain a pound until I hit six months. My weight gain was gradual but 8 months hit and literally overnight my belly grew twice it’s size. Just be prepared because the most drastic changes come those last few months but you are still stunningly beautiful.
[…] Maternity clothes: Just my shorts and skinny jeans. I wrote more about that here. […]