ONE YEAR! I still almost tear up whenever I think about the circumstances of this sweet soul’s birth and all God has done in me. I love how uniquely and specifically God orchestrated they days of their birth to be in perfect accord with who he designed them to be. My sweet, gentle Genevieve is still quite the same as the tiny babe I first held on that calm, soft rainy night of her birth. Her kind, gentle eyes locked onto mine and she’s looked at us the same way every day since. She is such a gift! It truly amazing to get to love my two girls, and feel how I love them with the same intensity, but in different ways. She is the happiest, most contented little angel girl…with the exception of bouts of teething. We love her to pieces and I can’t imagine a more perfect second-born. Throwing her first birthday was such a special thing for me to plan as well. She came home from the hospital in a tiny little soft lavender onesie and her room has a peaceful French botanical feel, so it just seemed right to carry all of that over into her party. I did the same for Elle’s first with her bright sea foam blue coming home onsie and oceanic feeling room. It’s like the perfect celebration of their sweet first year of life before moving on to so much growing up.
Speaking of growing up, Genevieve has changed so much since her last update. (Note for record’s sake: At her one year check up she weighed in at 19 lbs and 30 inches.) After we came back from a trip to Jacksonville for my friend Ashley’s wedding, she decided to walk, take a bottle and be perfectly fine with people other than myself. The day before she turned 11 months she took off walking and has been almost running every since! She’d been close since her 10 month mark, but I think she needed the extra time to find the confidence to take off on her own. And that she did! She decided she was ready for independence all at once, and became so much happier all around. I was beginning to wonder if she’d ever feel comfortable without me next to her, but she just needed her own time. I think we were both relieved to have a little more independence from each other. Not having to nurse for extended periods before every time of sleep was huge for me. I loved that time we had together, but the freedom has been a very welcome change. We’ve really seen her personality blossom the past few weeks and it’s like she’s found herself. She toddles around the house confidently, chasing her sister or exploring with toys or in corners around the house, knowing she can always run back to my side whenever she wants. And she does. She’ll come running back to my arms with the biggest grin and give me the sweetest in-between Eskimo and open mouth kiss that there ever was. Her love is so tender and gentle. The softness she possesses makes you fall in love with her. She’s always “sharing” what she has or patiently waiting for my attention. It’s like she’s just happy to be with us, near us, watch us, and hear us.
So far, it seems like Genevieve is a very gentle, content child. She will happily play with one book or toy forever it seems. (this is totally new to me, since Elle has always bounced from one thing to the next and moves at an extremely rapid pace usually.) She gets very intent on whatever she has at the moment. When she wakes up, she doesn’t immediately want to play, but wants to greet us all instead. If she’s in the bed with me, she’ll turn over and crawl to daddy and won’t stop messing with him until he turns around and smiles at her. Her little face lights up with she sees him and she’ll give the cutest giggle you ever heard. Then she’s off to find sissy. Each of us get that sweet smile and laugh, and she seems so genuinely glad to see us and love on us. I will treasure that about her always. She’s careful. She watches us do something a few times before she’ll try it and seems to be very aware of what we do, who enters a room or the mood of the people around her. She eats carefully too! She take small, cautious bites and it very patient in between them. She rarely seems ravenous. (This is also a big change from my can’t-feed-her-fast-enough Elle. Ha!)
When Evie likes something, she really likes it. She won’t light up for just anything, but has definite likes and loves. One of these loves are putting on her clothes, shoes, bows, hats or anything else really. She gets so excited when I bring her the outfit for the day, or her pjs for the evening. She shakes her harms and her mouth goes wide open for an excited smile-laugh. She often brings me her bows and shoes and ties to put them on. I don’t think this is very normal for a baby, so I think it’s so cute! Oh and anything that can pass as jewelry is a total winner for her. Bracelets are a current favorite. She also LOVES anything Winne the Pooh. She loves puppies and her stuffed bunny. She really loves coming home, and will happily walk around “her space” when we get back from somewhere. Having the comfort of the familiar seems to be extra important to her. If she has been happily playing while I do chores or something in another room for too long, she comes to find me just to come hug my leg and smile at me. Then she will go back and play again some more. I mentioned she’s an angel before right? Goodness, she is just the sweetest thing.
I can’t wait to see her grow and develop through this next year. I wish I could freeze time right now. This stage is one of my favorites. I love the sweetness of babyhood, but nothing compares to this part to me! Especially for Genevieve, babies need so much of you up until almost one. This past year has been so needed and sweet, but it brings my heart so much joy to see her develop into a little person, but still be my cuddly little baby too. The bond Genevieve and Eleanora are forming these days makes my heart so happy as well. I love watching them chase each other, giggle, “talk” and love each other. Elle always asks “where’s Evie” when she’s not around and always wants to sit by her at the table. Evie goes looking for her if she’s not in the room and runs to her when she gets home from being out somewhere. She loves watching her play. They are such good compliments for each other. I can’t help but feel so very blessed by them. They are such sweet sisters, with the usual not-quite-so-sweet sibling dynamic moments of course!
Evie, my darling, we love you so much. Every single milestone has been just as special to me. Every moment just as cherished as the first time. I love watching both of you grow in your own perfectly unique ways. The Lord has used your life to bring peace into mine. You remind me of all the blessing that comes from a quiet heart of waiting on the Lord, the strength of returning and resting in Him and the radiance of a humble, joyful spirit. I pray your eyes always hold kindness and your heart always has the sweet, genuine and thoughtful love for others. I pray you always have a willing patience to wait on the Lord and the courage and brave heart to act on whatever he says at the right time. You are a treasure. I’m so blessed by your soul. I’m overwhelmed by the gentle love and calm contentment God has brought me in you. My heart wanted you and loved you long before I ever saw your face, and I will spend the rest of my days thanking God for the blessing of your life.
With every ounce of love in my soul,
Oh, and here’s some birthday party photos.
Happy First Birthday Genevieve!