Genevieve has blossomed into the most darling little person this past month. We had 2 rough weeks of teething where she was up from about 1-5 AM every night, but that’s mostly done for now! She is the sweetest, most easygoing, quiet, cute and pleasant little lady. She is pulling up on everything, crawling at light speed and trying to free stand! Gasp! I can’t believe how big she is. She still seems to feel most comfortable and comforted near me. I’m learning to be a whole new kind of mama for her. The other day we walked into a stairwell at church and she clenched her little legs so tightly around my side. I had a feeling I needed to start praying for courage over her as a newborn and I don’t think I was wrong. 😉 It’s fun to see how each girl reacts to different environments. Evie definitely seems more affected by her surroundings and seems more aware of others and moods. She learned to clap this past month and it’s so cute! She loves to clap for Daddy, Elle when she’s funny or when her food is really good. We really can’t imagine a more perfect little lady.
Weight: At her 9 month appointment last week she weighed 17.15 lbs and was 28 inches long.
Clothes: We’re still in all the same things as last month. This is a 1-3 month outfit in these photos though! Ha! It’s so sweet putting her in Eleanora’s old things. I’m trying to find a cute little outfit for her birthday though.
Sleep: She does really well with naps and sleeping around 12 hours at night when she’s not teething. If she’s not nursing however, she likes to sleep on her side or tummy in her crib not on me sadly. She sleeps cold whereas Elle always slept hot! Ha!
Eating: With almost four chompers now, she’s an eating champ. We’re moving to more table food in small pieces now since she’s lost interest in most everything she can’t feed her self.
Mood: This girl is so sweet! Her smiles are my favorite because she doesn’t just smile at anything. She definitely has certain things she prefers. She is so easygoing and will happily go along with whatever we are doing as long as she’s with me.
Loves/Doesn’t love: It’s so cute to see Evie develop definite loves, like red toys. When she sees her favorite stuffed bunny she lights up like it’s her best friend and gives it a huge hug. It’s so cute. Elle always treated her toys like she was the boss, lol! Winnie the Pooh still works like a charm when she’s fussy. She loves the hephelump and woosel song! Ha!
Things I want to remember: I feel like she’s really found her laugh this past month. She giggles at Elle all the time or when she’s tickled. I love the way she lays her head on my shoulder when she’s sleepy, and how she reaches for Jonathan and says “dada” when she wakes up in the morning. She is a total wiggle worm now and loves to be on the floor playing with Elle. Seeing them interact is everything I’ve dreamed of when I thought about having kids. She makes me want all the babies, but not really…but kind of. 😉 I hope I always remember how gentle she is and how she loves to be near the ones she loves.