I am really not so great at getting to these on time with little G. I do try little one! Ha! But a few days really don’t hurt anyway. With Elle I think I tried to hold back a little with how much I was obsessed with her. This time there is no hope for me. I look at them constantly and wonder how I am so blessed with such incredible, beautiful babies. I feel so undeserving. I’m not feeling guilty one bit about how much I’m immeshed in all things baby these days. What a joy and privilege. I pray I don’t take one second for granted as I try to savor each moment in this season. It goes by much too quickly.
Weight: Genevieve was at 11 lbs at her 2 month appointment, and 68% on height and weight. She’s probably up to 12 or 13 lbs by now. I do love how many rolls she has these days.
Clothes: We are really chunking up here, because some 0-3 clothes are getting a bit small. I think we still have some wear in them, but I can definitely put her in some 3-6 without them swallowing her. I LOVE seeing little Evie in her sister’s baby things. I pulled out one of my sailor dresses I wore as a baby and I can’t wait to put her in that too.
Sleep: Genevieve is still an amazing sleeper! We are so thankful. I hope I don’t ruin things by saying this, but she hasn’t woken in the night crying since last month! She might wake, but goes right back to sleep on her own. She barely even cries in the morning. Seriously, she’s an angel. Naps are a bit harder during the day. We still haven’t gotten on a great schedule. She seems to be great on the go but won’t go more than 45 minutes in her crib at a time. I’m not supper worried about it though. Our schedule changes too much for me to be overly concerned about it. She’s happy, so I’m happy.
Eating: We’re still doing feedings every 3-3 1/2 hours. She loves to eat. She really likes to use me as a paci at night and is cranky around 7 until I feed her again and put her to bed. Little lady likes her sleep!
Mood: Little Evie is seriously the sweetest baby! We are so in love with her. I took her up to north Alabama when Irma was coming through, and she just smiled and cooed at everyone. She has her moments of course, but I have never seen such a happy baby. She is pretty quiet, but will start trying to talk if you get her one-on-one. I could look at her deep blue happy eyes and gummy smile all day long.
Loves/Doesn’t love: She still loves being near mommy. She is very, very fond of being held. Ev will happily stay in the Baby Bjorn carrier all day if I let her. She LOVES the car. In fact she slept for FOUR hours, or at least was awake and calm, on our way up to Fort Payne! I was shocked. I’m so thankful the girls are good little travelers. She doesn’t like pooping. It seems to hurt her poor little tummy. She likes the paci a lot more now too.
Things I want to remember: Her hair is starting to curl up these days. I love it. She also started really loving to look at her surroundings. She takes in faces and will study you for a long time. I think she could recognize our house a little bit when we got home because she was so happy as she looked around. She started playing on her playmate this month too, and kicks up a storm – although, she would rather look up at me and Elle than her toys.