It is so counter-cultural to go slow, to be still, to stop and savor. If anything, that is what I learned this Summer. Fast-paced is definitely my tendency. I do it all the time to be sure, but slowing down is something I’ve learned to love. I’m one to want to be busy all the time. I love the feeling of checking off 100 things per day, but God is teaching me to be quiet, to be still…again…I mean as still as you can be with 2 kiddos to take care of. Maybe slow means the t0-do list can wait until after a nice long lunch at the park. Maybe it means taking time to teach my 3 year old to buckle her shoes instead of rushing out the door. Maybe it means letting my heart be quiet instead of filling it with checking my phone. Maybe it’s turning it off entirely for a weekend. Maybe it’s letting the laundry wait so I can soak in God’s presence during the one magic nap time. Or maybe it’s just a posture of the heart in the midst of all the day to day – still, expectant, waiting, content in the quiet. Stillness has a humble posture. It stops striving. To be still before the Lord is to put my trust in Him, saying “YOU do the work. YOU open the door. YOU change me. I will wait before You.” Seasons, like the Summer don’t last forever. I’m learning to soak in the stillness while it lasts…