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Yearly Archives: 2014

Expectations & Motherhood

Before Jonathan and I got married, we went through marriage counseling. One of our biggest take-always was to let go of our expectations for marriage and what we think our spouse should do and be. (Now that we’re parents, I think kid counseling should be highly encouraged before having babies! Ha!) I’m learning that I need to […]

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Kaylie B. Poplin - September 30, 2014 - 5:39 pm

I love and adore you!

Jenessa Bruce - September 30, 2014 - 6:09 pm

Beautiful Jennifer! You’re definitely doing fantastic I know! I appreciate the insight and transparency, as I look forward to that stage in life as well. I know I’ll have a lot of expectations for myself and so forth; I’ll probably need to read this again in a couple years 🙂 You’re a blessing!

Zoe Rose - October 1, 2014 - 6:09 am

I love your honest and the wisdom in what you’re learning. Motherhood is hard and the best. Our little boy is six months and it has flown, we are still working on sleeping longer too, they are all their own little person. You’re doing a great job! I read a great book about motherhood by Sarah Mae and Sally Clarkson which I found really refreshing.

Hope Sewell - October 1, 2014 - 11:07 am

One encouraging thought that I held on to in my early days of motherhood is that time is on my side. She WILL learn to sleep through the night….eventually!! You WILL figure out a schedule, niche and groove as the days go on. This phase is only temporary….the good parts and the bad. Although I know we all struggle with body image issues this should be the LEAST of your worries because you look vibrant and beautiful!! Grace and gratefulness in the newborn stage wasn’t something I feel I mastered until my third baby. And even then, mastered isn’t the correct word. But you can rest assured that you’ll get there!! Time IS on your side! Then it’ll be on to another phase and time of growth. So goes life. Be encouraged that God gives us the grace we need for the moment. Hugs!! 🙂

Eleanora | One Month Old

Eleanora Rose is one month old today! It seems like the longest month of my life and yet it’s flown by. It still doesn’t seem real. She fits into our lives so perfectly and I can’t imagine anything different. We think she is just the cutest thing ever too. Adjusting to life with a baby […]

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Eleanora’s Newborn Session & Nursery Tour

It seems like it’s been such a long time since we (and by we I mean mostly me) dreamed up this little space for our baby girl. Months ago I envisioned a calm and inviting space where we’d spend time together. I’m certainly no designer, but I’m so happy with how it all came together. […]

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Melanie Chrystn Stauffer - September 1, 2014 - 8:19 pm

Your little family is just too precious! What a beautiful little space you’ve created! Congratulations for this wonderful blessing – you are glowing!

– Melanie ( - September 2, 2014 - 12:42 pm

Thank you Melanie! You’re so sweet!

[…] for! I love the delicate florals and soft blue tones. It’s a perfect match for E’s sea inspired nursery. Of course, I had to include the sweet tiara Carlee Sizemore made for her in these photos as well. […]

Eleanora | The first two weeks

Our little Eleanora is already 2 weeks old! I can’t believe it. I’m hoping to document a few memories and images of her for each stage. They’re a bit random, but they’ll probably be from our daily moments together that I want to remember. So far Eleanora seems to have a laid back personality. For […]

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Cindy - August 26, 2014 - 6:16 pm

Beautiful…all of you! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Kristen - August 29, 2014 - 8:27 pm

She is so incredibly beautiful! What a precious little blessing! - September 2, 2014 - 12:42 pm

Thank you so much Kristen!

Coming Home

Here are a few images from our last day at the hospital and bringing our baby girl home. It felt so wonderful to be in our own house, even though we didn’t have the wonderful hospital staff on call 24/7! Home at last! After all the time I spent imagining what it would feel like […]

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marcia - August 27, 2014 - 11:28 am

this makes my heart just melt.
ya’ll are absolutely the sweetest family. - September 2, 2014 - 12:45 pm

Aw, thank you Marcia!