With Elle being such a rambunctious almost-2-year old, I decided to make sure we get plenty of fun Summer activities in this year. This time last Summer, she was just learning to walk so we mostly stuck to the park and our own yard. This year…wow, how things change! I’m running out of things to occupy her busy little self! I remember Summers being the best thing in the world growing up, and I want to have a blast this Summer with my little lady! I’d love to know what is on your Summer list so I can add some more adventures!
- Make new flavors of homemade popsicles every week – so far Chick-fil-A lemonade with strawberries is our fave.
Visit the Landmark Park playground- Pick flowers everyday…this is kind of already a tradition anyway!
Make a sandbox- Play in the kiddie pool as much as possible
- Start a garden
- Go to the library once a week
- Make a big blanket fort in the yard
- Learn shapes with chalk on the driveway
- Play in the sprinkler
- Have a “sleepover” in the living room in her tent
- Build/ decorate a cardboard box car
- Fix my bike and go on bike rides!
- Go to the Zoo
- Learn to fly a kite
- Go to a kiddie move matinee
- Find and catch some fireflies
- Make crowns out of pipe cleaners
- Play at Shipwreck Island water park
- Ride the carousel at the mall
- Make bead necklaces
It’s going to be a grand Summer!