This was hands down my favorite Christmas yet. I have no doubt it will get more sweet at the years go by. Despite Eleanora being up late the night before, not napping and me being sick with, well, several different things, it was incredibly special. I loved setting out Eleanora’s 3 presents. (Well, I pulled the teepee out a few times before Christmas! I couldn’t help it and she didn’t really remember.) As her face indicates below, I think she loves them. She goes to the closet every day and asks for her teepee to come out. It wasn’t a flashy Christmas and I didn’t even get many photos, but it was still magical. While I was setting out E’s presents Christmas Eve, I couldn’t help but feel the Father lovingly show me that He has a beautiful (not easy) future ahead…something he set out beforehand too. “For I know the plans I have for you…” It’s similar to how I knew these plans and set it up in love for my daughter. I cannot fathom of all of His gifts of mercy and grace, just like little Elle as she slept soundly in her crib. I can’t wait to teach her these truths one day, for they are the best gift I can give. And these two! They are my best gifts of all.
Christmas seems to mean more to me with every year that passes. The lyrics to “O Holy Night” struck me deeply this season. “Truly He taught us to love one another. His law is Love and his Gospel is Peace. Chains shall He break, for the slave is our brother, and in His name all oppression shall cease. Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we. Let all within us praise His holy name! Christ is the Lord! O, praise His name forever. His power and glory ever more proclaim. His power, and glory ever more proclaim!” My heart this year was found there; I had overwhelming thankfulness for the great mercies of God, proved in Christ Jesus. I was humbled by His immense love and encouraged to strive to love as He did. Let all within me praise His holy name! His glory…forever.
I have much to be thankful for this year. It was quite the year, but I’ll save that for another post maybe. I am very much looking forward to a fresh start in 2016!
I wish I could relive this a thousand times! Her face is truly priceless…and all I could ever hope for on Christmas!
Jonathan totally surprised me with this beautiful (WHITE!!!) mandolin. He’s the best and I don’t deserve him.
Unwrapping was a big hit this year. She tore off the paper on everyone’s presents. 🙂
These two shots are called, “we tried.” Elle no nap = Elle no take pictures.
I didn’t get much from Nana & Pops house either because of the nap thing…oh well, next year!
We put the tree away yesterday…she was sad to see the lights go.
I hope you all had a magical Christmas too! Here’s to 2016!
my goodness gracious these are surely some of the most precious images ever!!