I’m not going to lie. Sometimes I walk into our little girl’s nursery just to look at her tiny things. I see the partially done crib, put my hand on my ever-growing stomach and think, “You’re worth it all little one.” I’ll often go into her room when she starts kicking especially hard, so I’m reminded the reason behind this journey. The other night walked in and was suddenly overtaken by the thought of how God regards His children. I could see Him look at His creation, knowing we all would turn against Him, then look at His Son and still say, “You’re worth it all.” I don’t fully understand the sacrifices I will make for our daughter. I can’t count my few aches, pains and discomforts as suffering. My heart is full of hope about who this little one will be, though I have no idea of the choices she will make in life. I don’t even know her yet! But God did. The Father knew full well what it would take to have us as His own, to make us His children. Before the dawn of creation He knew we’d all choose our sin over Him. He was completely aware that He’d have to send His Only Son to suffer and die a brutal death bring us back to Him. He knew us. He knew our daughter. He knew me. He saw the depravity and darkness in my heart and gave me life anyway. That’s some kind of love – one I will never fully comprehend.
I already love this little one so much, and yet His love is so much greater. I see it’s boundless depth more clearly through this journey of bringing life into the world. When my heart becomes to get distracted, weary or even too enthralled by things that don’t matter, I remember that this life is not my own. I’ve been purchased with a high price by the God who said, “You’re worth it.” My worth lies not in any merit of mine, but simply because I’m His. And I’m His for a purpose – His glory.
So as I look at these images that celebrate this new life, I can’t help but be overwhelmed with love. It’s a love that is so much more rich and full because of how I am loved by Christ. I’m so excited for our little girl to arrive so I can show her all the ways she is worth my love and sacrifice. But even more than that I can’t wait to sit her on my lap and tell her about the Creator of everything, about Jesus and that he said, “You’re worth it Eleanora.”
“Your eyes saw my unformed substance: in Your book were written, every one of the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.” (Psalm 139:16)
My sister was so sweet to take these images for me during a recent trip to Jacksonville. She’s really a gem. Thank you for these memories sis!
It was such an honor sis! I love you and Eleanora so very much. God is abundantly good to us. Thank you for the sweet reminder of His great love!
Thanks Chell! 🙂 Little E has the best aunties ever!
You are so beautiful, Jen! Love your heart <3
Wow! You are beautiful and I love your blog!
Oh my gosh! I die. So pretty!!!! Film is beyond lovely.
Wow, wow, wow! So insanely perfect- the lighting is phenomenal! Can’t beat film photography 🙂 Alex
oo these are lovely.
Hi, I love your dress!. May I ask where this dress is from or where it can be purchased? Thank you : )
The photos are perfect. Have shared with my followers.
[…] that 100 Layer Cakelet featured our family session with J. Layne Photography today. After having my plantation maternity session featured on their blog this past summer, it is so sweet to have some photos up with our little Elle […]