How big is baby: Peach | 12 Weeks 5 days
How I’m feeling: Much better than the last two months. Morning sickness is finally easing up and I have my appetite back!
Weight gain/loss: I feel like it’s a lot but so far the scale doesn’t say anything different. Maybe 2 lbs.
Stretch marks: Nothing yet!
Sleep: It depends on the night. I feel the worst in the evenings, so I’m usually propped up on pillows and chewing some TUMS. Falling asleep isn’t so great, but I stay asleep for the most part.
Diet/Cravings/Aversions: None really. I’m just happy to want to eat again. Morning sickness was rough. I’m staring a meal plan in order to get a lot of nutrition for baby and it’s going pretty well so far. Hopefully I can stay healthy throughout this journey.
Movement: I thought felt movement the other day, but I think it was just the symptoms of bloating. Ha! Hopefully I feel something unmistakable soon!
What I’m loving: Sleep and more sleep. I’m still a little tired, so I’ve been trying to get as much shut-eye as possible on slower weeks. I know things are about to get a lot busier, so I’m trying to take advantage of a slower pace these days.
Symptoms: Just bloating. I know, so fun. It’s one thing I really hate, but eating small, snacky meals seems to help. Nothing else is a horrible bother right now. My clothes aren’t really comfortable right now, but I’m trying to hold out for when I absolutely need to purchase maternity clothes. I also have a vendetta against pants right now. Things will get a little easier when the weather warms up. I have plenty of dresses, it’s just been a little too cold to wear them.
What I’m looking forward to: Finding out the gender! I’m so impatient to know! I’m dying to start planning and buying anything! I’m glad it’s only a few more weeks to wait!
Best moment of the week: Feeling more like myself again. Ah, I feel like a new woman!

I loooove ‘growing godly tomatoes’ for when baby is a bit older
This is a wonderful idea! I am so happy for the two of you! And thank you for allowing others to share your happiness.
Hey Jennifer, I think the my favorite book while pregnant with my first was What to Expected while Expecting. They also have What to Expected the first year. I loved that book it help me alot with anything I needed to know about pregnancy. In both pregnancy I also liked to visit websites like and Congrats by the way.
awww, I like this. I’m glad I caught you saying you have a baby blog, on twitter. I can’t wait to see your progress!
This is such a beautiful and amazing journey. Once you hold that little babe in your arms you will never look at life the same. It’s like the world turns different colors. On the book topic, one of my favorites is a Girlfriends’ Guide to Pregnancy by Vicki Lovine. It’s humorous and informative, definitely check it out. Also, if you’re not familiar with take a peek. It’s a little network of book lovers with helpful reviews – you will find lots of gems on there.
Happy reading!
I am excited that you decided to do a more personal blog again- I had missed it from reading the Blair Affairs a few years ago :).
Congratulations on your baby!
“The Baby Book” by Dr. Sears, and “The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding” by La Leche League!