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33 week update

Headshots (1 of 8)

Can I just say how wonderful it is to wear black during pregnancy, especially these days! It’s like magic…at least from the front! Ha! All I have to do it turn to the side and BOOM I’m very pregnant! These few weeks of summertime are busy ones, and I’ve already cut back plenty. I was planning on going to Middle School camp with our youth until I realized that was a really horrible idea. I missed being there, but I completed lots of nursery projects! Little E’s dresser has been painted, as well as a side table. I found the fabric for her crib skirt, finalized some art and frame choices, finished a slew of thank-you notes and organized lots of presents that were taking over everything. I tell you, getting ready to have a baby is hard work…and not just on my body! There is so much to do that it feels ridiculous sometimes! Of course, I’m kind of cheap when it comes to decorating so I’ve been scouring everywhere for the best deals and doing lots of DIY projects. We’re getting there though!

How big is baby: The size of a pineapple | 33 weeks 3 days

How I’m feeling: I’m still feeling great. I can’t really complain. I was kind of tired last weekend, but that is probably because I stayed up past midnight every night Jonathan was gone last week. I always take the opportunity to do lots of projects when he’s out of town, because let’s face it, I can’t sleep very well anyway! 

Weight gain/ Loss: 17-18 lbs. I’m definitely creeping close to 20. That sounds like a TON but I feel likes it’s mostly bump…which I am totally ok with! I’m so close to the end that monitoring it doesn’t seem too important. 

Maternity clothes: Just the black dress above. I wear it all the time because it’s so comfy! I’ve been living in some stretchy shorts and v-necks from Target lately. 

Stretch Marks: Not really!

Sleep: Sleep still going pretty well. I wake up super thirsty sometimes and then it takes a while to get comfortable again…but that’s about it! 

Diet/ Cravings/ Aversions: Do popsicles count as a craving? Ha! I still don’t crave anything per se…but I do eat a lot of popsicles. Hello, it is extremely hot in the south!

Movement: THANKFULLY, little lady has moved her head down and that has made things LOADS more enjoyable for me. Her movements don’t bother me nearly as much. She still moves a lot, but now it’s her little butt or knees pressing out on my stomach. I’ll feel a footsie here and there too…but I think she’s facing the other direction. She’s exactly where she’s supposed to be and I hope it stays that way! 

What I’m loving: I’ve made lots of progress in the nursery and now it’s much easier to see what it will look like! I LOVE walking by her room.

Symptoms: Nothing much. I’m get thirsty all the time, but that’s about it. Oh, and it’s a lot harder to get up off the couch. Ha! 

Exercise: I had a great week last week! I’m still running some, so that makes me happy. I probably won’t do much this week because we have VBS all morning and events at night. I have to conserve energy somewhere! 

What I’m looking forward to: Finishing up my last 2 weddings this weekend and next! I love my sweet couples and I’m so excited to celebrate with them, and then officially take my maternity leave…well, sort of at least! 

Best moment of the week: Probably watching our little girl make my stomach contort so strangely. It’s fun when Jonathan and I both watch her. She’s already making us laugh. 

Mood: Fat and happy! 

Plantation Maternity Session

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I’m not going to lie. Sometimes I walk into our little girl’s nursery just to look at her tiny things. I see the partially done crib, put my hand on my ever-growing stomach and think, “You’re worth it all little one.” I’ll often go into her room when she starts kicking especially hard, so I’m reminded the reason behind this journey. The other night walked in and was suddenly overtaken by the thought of how God regards His children. I could see Him look at His creation, knowing we all would turn against Him, then look at His Son and still say, “You’re worth it all.” I don’t fully understand the sacrifices I will make for our daughter. I can’t count my few aches, pains and discomforts as suffering. My heart is full of hope about who this little one will be, though I have no idea of the choices she will make in life. I don’t even know her yet! But God did. The Father knew full well what it would take to have us as His own, to make us His children. Before the dawn of creation He knew we’d all choose our sin over Him. He was completely aware that He’d have to send His Only Son to suffer and die a brutal death bring us back to Him. He knew us. He knew our daughter. He knew me. He saw the depravity and darkness in my heart and gave me life anyway. That’s some kind of love – one I will never fully comprehend.

I already love this little one so much, and yet His love is so much greater. I see it’s boundless depth more clearly through this journey of bringing life into the world. When my heart becomes to get distracted, weary or even too enthralled by things that don’t matter, I remember that this life is not my own. I’ve been purchased with a high price by the God who said, “You’re worth it.” My worth lies not in any merit of mine, but simply because I’m His. And I’m His for a purpose – His glory.

So as I look at these images that celebrate this new life, I can’t help but be overwhelmed with love. It’s a love that is so much more rich and full because of how I am loved by Christ. I’m so excited for our little girl to arrive so I can show her all the ways she is worth my love and sacrifice. But even more than that I can’t wait to sit her on my lap and tell her about the Creator of everything, about Jesus and that he said, “You’re worth it Eleanora.”

“Your eyes saw my unformed substance: in Your book were written, every one of the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.” (Psalm 139:16)

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My sister was so sweet to take these images for me during a recent trip to Jacksonville. She’s really a gem. Thank you for these memories sis!

Michelle Johnson - June 3, 2014 - 10:43 am

It was such an honor sis! I love you and Eleanora so very much. God is abundantly good to us. Thank you for the sweet reminder of His great love! - June 3, 2014 - 11:21 am

Thanks Chell! 🙂 Little E has the best aunties ever!

Laura Nelson - June 3, 2014 - 12:13 pm

You are so beautiful, Jen! Love your heart <3

Connie Calhoun Coggins - June 3, 2014 - 1:04 pm

Wow! You are beautiful and I love your blog!

Meredith Sledge - June 3, 2014 - 3:46 pm

Oh my gosh! I die. So pretty!!!! Film is beyond lovely.

Alexandra Marie - June 3, 2014 - 11:00 pm

Wow, wow, wow! So insanely perfect- the lighting is phenomenal! Can’t beat film photography 🙂 Alex

Catherine Marsh - June 3, 2014 - 11:11 pm

oo these are lovely.

Tasneem Vazifdar - June 9, 2014 - 6:03 pm

Hi, I love your dress!. May I ask where this dress is from or where it can be purchased? Thank you : )

eBay Baby Showers - December 11, 2014 - 8:55 am

The photos are perfect. Have shared with my followers.

[…] that 100 Layer Cakelet featured our family session with J. Layne Photography today. After having my plantation maternity session featured on their blog this past summer, it is so sweet to have some photos up with our little Elle […]

Shower for Eleanora

Shower (1 of 56)

At the end of last month I traveled back to Jacksonville for a baby shower in my home town. I feel great love for Jacksonville for many reasons, but much of my adoration stems from all the wonderful memories I have from growing up there. Of course, my family still lives there too! I’m always eager to take any excuse I have to visit. This time it was wonderful to see so many people that knew me before I grew up! My mom, sisters and sweet friends hosted the most beautiful shower for our little lady. It wasn’t really all the gifts that blessed me so much (although we are so thankful for those!) but their precious words of encouragement as we enter into a new season of life. Their prayers of blessing and hearts full of love for us were so moving. I am so thankful for everyone who came more than my words can express!

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My baby sister Katie is growing up so fast! She’s quite the beautiful young lady now!

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I’m blessed with the best sisters, mom and sister-in-law that I could ever ask for!

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This girl! A million words couldn’t say all that she means to me! She’s been there through thick and thin.


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What sweet memories! Thank you all for blessing our growing family!

alex - June 9, 2014 - 1:29 pm

These are gorgeous! Are they shot on film or the mark iii? 🙂 - June 9, 2014 - 2:42 pm

Thank you Alex! I normally shoot film, but these are all on my mkiii! 🙂

nicole - June 9, 2014 - 3:25 pm

that cake is to die for! love all the little details 🙂

31 week update

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Summer is officially here! I’m actually really happy about going through the last part of this pregnancy through Summer. We’ll be so preoccupied with about a million youth events and wrapping up my weddings and shoots that it will all be over in the blink of an eye. My sister also arrived for the rest of the Summer this week! Yay! I’m so glad she’ll be staying with us! All her activities and jobs are here, so it worked out really well. Actually, a lot of people are coming to visit and I’m ecstatic about it! In other exciting news, we ordered the crib and it has arrived!!! Jonathan put it together a few days ago and I love walking in the nursery just to look at it. 🙂 Only 59 days to go! Woohoo!

How big is baby: The size of a large coconut | 31 weeks 4 days

How I’m feeling: I’ve felt really great lately. I’ve been a little tired some days, but I’m pretty sure that was just because I went to bed at 2 am twice in a row. What can I say…I don’t sleep well when my hubby is out of town.

Weight gain/ Loss: 15 lbs. 

Maternity clothes: Not really. I did order a black dress just in case I need something with more room for the rest of my summer weddings. Actually, some of my regular clothes (dresses mainly) look better now than they did a few weeks ago…maybe now that my bump is bigger they look better? I don’t know! It’s so weird to never know what is going to fit. 

Stretch Marks: Not that I can see!

Sleep: Sleep is great. Falling asleep? Not so much. That seems to be when little lady likes to move around the most…regardless of what time I go to bed. She’s a squirmer that one! 

Diet/ Cravings/ Aversions: I seem to like anything tangy more than usual, but not really. I like everything I normally do. I have been more hungry lately. I’m just trying to stay motivated to cook good things instead of going through the Chick-fil-a drive through all the time. Ha!

Movement: When doesn’t she move? Goodness! I think she changes positions at least twice a day. I can’t keep up anymore. Within the span of a few minutes she’ll go from sitting really, really low, then to the top, then to the side and then to the other side. It’s not unusual to be driving down the road (or something important like that) when all of the sudden a little footsie kicks me so hard in the side that I actually yell “ouch” out of shock…and it hurts! But, hey at least she’s a strong little lady. She must have her mamas runner legs.

What I’m loving: My maternity photos that came in this week! My sister did such a great job. I almost wasn’t able to do a session, but she stepped in and it all worked out at the last minute. I’m so glad I have those memories.

Symptoms: I think I’ve had one or two Braxton Hicks contractions and some back pain, but it’s not bad. It’s mostly just hard to be comfortable.

Exercise: I can tell my body is telling me to slow down a bit now. I normally try to do something every day, but lately I’ve been shooting for a good workout every other day. I’m trying to keep up my stamina, but not overdo it. If I go for a jog one day, I won’t do much besides stretching and a little muscle work the next.

What I’m looking forward to: After this week I’m hoping to do more in the nursery. It’s getting close! I need to get with it! Ha!

Best moment of the week: It was by far shooting a beautiful wedding this past Saturday. I think my job gives me some kind of creative high. I love the whole wedding day experience. It still hasn’t gotten old to me! 

Mood: Feeling overwhelmingly blessed.

29 week update

anniversary (1 of 5)
(This is a little sneak peek from my maternity session! I’m so excited to get the film back!)

Whoa! It’s hard to believe 30 weeks have come and gone! Things are starting to sink in a little more…and yet the fact that this is happening doesn’t quite seem real yet. We had our first two baby showers this past week. Man, we have been so blessed by the people in our lives. For once in my life, I am really excited about writing some thank-you notes! We’ve been given so much for our little girl already! Now we just have to start going through all her things and start putting together the nursery! We haven’t done anything but hang curtains! Eeek! I’m feeling like time is running out now. Hopefully we’ll get the crib ordered this week! I’m also excited that I no longer drive a tiny 2-door car! I’ve been upgraded to a mom car. It’s not new or fancy, but we feel like our new SUV will work well for our growing family. It was pretty exciting to write that check! Today will be my first day driving it! Woohoo!

How big is baby: The size of a small head of cabbage | 29 weeks 6 days

How I’m feeling: We had a rather rough few days last week. Long story short, I had a horrible allergic reaction, got a shot that made me nauseated and Jonathan had sinus surgery…and all the not so fun, icky things that go with that surgery wasn’t helping my nausea any. We’ll just leave it at that! This past week however, has been great! The nausea passed after a few days and Jonathan is much better. I actually have had tons of energy, so I’m thankful!

Weight gain/ Loss: 14 lbs. The doc says I’m still gaining what’s normal, so that’s good! I ask him every time I go to be sure, even though I feel like it could be a little under the norm! He says we’re both doing great, so that’s all that matters.

Maternity clothes: Not lately. I’ve looked for a few things at some maternity shops, but NOTHING fits right. I probably expect too much, but oh well. I get nervous to order online because I have no idea how things will fit. I’m sure I’ll get desperate towards the end. Right now I’m loving maxi skirts and stretchy tops. I was happy to find a dress that I hope will fit through my summer weddings at J Crew. I tried on the best one I could find at the nice maternity shop in Jax and the other from J Crew for my sister and friend Ashley. They both said the maternity one looks very old and just not great. I’m glad I haven’t been crazy this whole time in thinking that nearly everything maternity looks horrible on me. Also, my sister found an old pair of jeans she wore in highschool that actually fit me! I did a little dance party when I tried them on. They’re old American Eagle, but they fit so I don’t care! Ha! We’ll see if I can make it to the end without having to buy much more! 

Stretch Marks: Not that I can see!

Sleep: I’m enjoying getting good sleep. Sometimes I’m not even sure I move at night! I’m sure that will change come July though! 

Diet/ Cravings/ Aversions: Nothing! It seems kind of strange that I wouldn’t have a single craving at all. Actually, most of the time food just seems blah to me…probably because I eat so much! Ha! I haven’t had much of an appetite, but I’m sure its due to the fact that eating makes me super uncomfortable most of the time, especially at night. I also never let myself get hungry because I eat every few hours and make sure it’s high in calories, protein and good fats. If I don’t I can tell my blood sugar starts getting too low. Still, somehow food just tastes better when you’re hungry. 

Movement: My pregnancy apps tell me I should start doing a kick counter, but I sure don’t need to! She kicks constantly. Lately she’s started stretching out from one side of my belly to the other. I think we may have a long little girl…or there’s just not much room in there! 

What I’m loving: I have loved the sweet showers we’ve had lately. The one back home at my parent’s house what so special to me. I felt so blessed by all the people who came and helped. I have some pretty phenomenal people in my life!

Symptoms: Nothing too much lately. My back seems to be doing fine. I don’t see it curving much at all and I’m trying to be very careful about posture. Riding in the car isn’t so comfy. Overall, I really can’t complain.

Exercise: Last week wasn’t so great on the exercise front…but I was kind of sick, so doing much wasn’t a great idea. This past week was great though! My sister and I went for a run on Tuesday and I felt like I could have kept going a lot longer than we did. Wednesday we biked at least 6 miles and walked a good bit too. I was up traveling and shooting from 6 am to midnight, so I was pretty happy that I had plenty of energy to sustain me. I was pretty tired when I got home, but I didn’t feel like I overdid it the next day. (Of course all days aren’t like that! I don’t push myself if I don’t feel like I can keep going.) It was a good test for my weddings this Summer. I feel like my endurance is really great as long as I keep my calorie and protein intake high, drink lots of water, get plenty of rest and listen to what my body is telling me. Being healthy and active through this pregnancy has been so important to me. I know the Lord has given me grace to continue to do what I love. My job has been a huge motivation for me to stay as healthy as possible throughout this journey. I know eating and exercise can be a touchy subject for a lot of people and any concerned comments I’ve gotten have been out of love to make sure I’m doing what’s best for our baby. I feel like I’m doing everything I can do make sure that both of us are healthy and growing. Beyond that, I have to trust the Lord! 

What I’m looking forward to: I hope to start going through all the gifts for our little girl soon! Life isn’t slowing down this Summer, but I’m looking forward to taking breaks from work and events to organize her room. I love organizing! I’m also excited about picking out a verse for our little girl. I think it will be so special to choose one that goes along with the meaning of her name. 

Best moment of the week: Our anniversary was by far the best day this week! It wasn’t anything super fancy. We actually picked out the car most of the day, and then came home and grilled steaks. It was still special to sit out on our deck, look at our beautiful house and yard, feel our little girl kick and think on how many blessings we’ve received this year. We don’t deserve a single one of them. I can’t say that I’ve ever felt that kind of joy. My heart was so full…and still is! Oh, and taking some maternity photos was pretty wonderful too! 

Mood: Thankful and joyful.


Gail Shirley - May 23, 2014 - 8:31 pm

I’m so thankful and excited for you and Jonathan

Emily Wright - June 3, 2014 - 5:48 pm


My response to this all is praise the Lord! What a great God!

In addition to a verse, I saw once where a couple also picked out a hymn for their child. I thought it was a pretty great idea and since you guys are so musical, it seems appropriate!