Since my last update was so late, I thought I’d add in Elle too. 🙂 These girls are my joy.
![]() Christmas was so sweet this year! It’s hard to believe how much has changed. We had just found out that we were having another GIRL around Christmas last year. It felt like life was in an upheaval. It was beautiful for me to understand the reality of the Prince of Peace we celebrate in a deeper way this year. Our morning was pretty simple, with simple gifts (some are even old handmedowns -eek!) but the kids will never know unless they read this one day – and I doubt they will care! My mom always did such an amazing job making everything about Christmas morning so magical, and I love trying to do the same for my girls with the presentation of things. Her joy is my joy! Evie wore this astronaut helmet we gave to Elle because she didn’t like it – oops! Playing the piano we gave to Elle her first Christmas, and refitting it to Evie now! I have such a great helpers! Ha! Lights of my life – what a sweet year! Here are a few from Christmas Eve too. This last photo is the best ever! lol! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It is hard to believe our darling girl is six months old! What a sweet girl. Her little smile is my favorite. It’s hard not to compare Evie with Elle, but I love doing it so that I can see the nuances of who Evie is as a person. Even in babyhood, my experiences with them are very different. Elle would smile very easily, at almost everything…but Evie shows her smile, freely but intentionally. She smiles at you. She doesn’t just grab for anything, but one thing that captures her attention. It is such a joy to watch her grow into herself. Before I put her down in her crib, I always hold her a few extra minutes every night. Babyhood just goes by so quickly. I’m sure she’ll be my darling, gentle, sweet soul for a long time to come, but her tiny little self feels like such a treasure. And so I treasure her deeply. I think maybe what I feel about her is just part of who God has made her to be. I’m nearly blinded and in awe of Elle’s brightness, beauty and intelligence. With Evie, I just want to pull her close and simply “be” with her. She makes me want to slow down and be at peace. She feels like the last kiss of Spring, inviting you to savor the mild, sweet days before the brightness and bustle of Summer. There I go being all wordy and poetic again…I can’t help it really. Weight: At her 6 month appointment on the 20th she was 16.8 lbs and 26.5 inches long. Elle was a bit bigger at the same age. Clothes: Goodness, I love dressing this girl! I’m sure it’s weird of me to dress my girls in things that feel like them to me, but I’ve always used apparel as an avenue of self expression…I’m having fun expressing them. We’re still rocking 3-6 with some 6-12 that I can’t help but put on her already. L’OVED BABY onesies are my favorite. They are so soft and sweet. I’m dying for Spring so I can pull out some precious little handmedown outfits just waiting for us in the closet! Sleep: Genevieve is still doing wonderfully with sleep – minus her bouts with teething when it’s bad! We’re getting into a 2 nap stride for our days with a cat nap or two. She is ready to hit the hay around 9:30-10 am. She isn’t super great about going to bed before 8 PM, mostly because she likes to cuddle on me at night. Ha! I also love how she cuddles her stuffed bunny at night. She sleeps in a little ball or with her legs curled under her. (Elle is sprawled out with no covers, ever – ha!) She loves to have her Christy Nockles lullabies playing in the background, and is a very quiet sleeper. Eating: We’ve started solids with Evie…and she loves it! Her puffs, sweet potatoes, banana, pears and cereal are favorites. Her bottom two teeth have broke through, so I’m sure we’ll be doing more and more table food soon. Mood: This girl is downright precious. She is quiet, easy going and loves being around her people. She has this adorable, funny little cackle-laugh. It’s almost like she doesn’t mean to laugh, but she can help it in certain moments. She laughs the loudest for her sister, but of course we all laugh the most at Elle! She has been hurting quite a bit with teething woes, but even in the days of crying-all-day she would try her best to be smiling and happy when she wasn’t in pain. She’s just so sweet. Loves/Doesn’t love: She doesn’t love her teeth hurting. Insert sad face. She isn’t fond of loud noises – aka, when Elle squeals suddenly…which happens all the time…joy. She doesn’t like being startled. She also doesn’t like you taking away the toy she was focused on, or when she is focused on me and I walk out of the room. Haha! Heaven forbid I ever do that! Evie LOVES me wearing her in the sling. I’m convinced she’d stay there all day if I let her. (Elle always hated carriers! Ha!) She is most content viewing life and enjoying looking at things on my hip. She loves getting her diaper changed. She loves the bath, but instead of splashing, she likes the washcloths and is mesmerized by the water coming from the black faucet. She also LOVES drinking water from regular cups. It’s hilarious to watch! She lights up whenever we talk to her, especially “Evie, say Dada!” She gives us the biggest smile and tries to hard to make “ah ah” sounds. Things I want to remember: She has this elegant way of moving her hands, as silly as that sounds. She moves her wrists like a little ballerina. She is so gentle in general. When I hold her she will often caress my face or arm. She also has a death grip! It’s hard to pry anything from her little fists. Chewing on her toes is a favorite activity, as one of the images below depict. She can roll just about everywhere and has been able to do that for at least 2 months. She sits up very well now too. She can go to hands and knees, so whenever she decides she feels like crawling, I think she’s ready. Her demeanor is very contented. She can be persuaded to do just about anything as long as she’s with us. she will nap anywhere, eat at any time, stay sweet and quiet if we go out for hours just chilling on my hip. I can’t emphasize just how much sweetness is wrapped up in her little body enough! She’s angelic. I love how long her hair is getting as well. It’s so much longer and thicker than when I took these photos! We adore you sweetheart! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() What a sweet 5 months it has been with this little girl. It’s hard to believe almost half a year has gone by already! She has brought such a peaceful season into our lives, not necessarily because of circumstances but because of what God is working out in us. She is doing #allthethings these days…rolling everywhere, almost sitting up, eating mushed fruits and veggies. Her bottom two teeth should break through any day now and we will all be glad for it. She hates the paci and swing that her sister loved, and would much rather sit on my hip and see what Elle and I are up to all the time. If she likes you enough to give her big gummy smile, it will make your life. She locks eyes and you know she’s really smiling AT YOU, not just because she is happy. Watching my girls develop their sweet bond is an unexpected treasure. It brings me so much joy to see how they love each other. I’m obsessed with her expressive deep blue eyes, button nose and puckered lips. We adore you Evie! Weight: At her 4 month appointment she was almost 15 lbs and 26 inches long. That’s my girl! Elle was a bit heavier but shorter at the same age. Clothes: She is definitely in all her 3-6 month things. We have a few 0-3 dresses we’re squeezing into, but they are pretty short because she’s a tall girl! I love these cooler temps and the excuse to put her chubby self in layers. There’s just something about a baby in a ridiculous sweater. Sleep: Genevieve is such a good little sleeper! We struggled so much withe Eleanora at night, but G loves to go to bed. She takes after her mama, and E after her daddy. Ha! Elle still doesn’t like sleep! We are finally to where Genevieve has a consistent nap schedule, give or take some. She likes a short morning nap around 9:30 and a marathon nap in the afternoon. Praises! It’s so nice to have a little 1:1 time with Elle or a chance to write this blog, clean the house, etc! The productivity in a 2 hour span is ridiculous now. There is SO MUCH I can accomplish during nap time! Eating: Little G loves to eat! And she loves to use me as her paci…ahem. We’ve started some solid foods like banana, pear, avocado, sweet potato and a few others. She loves it. We’re mostly just testing things out. I think she’ll be ready for more after she has a few teeth. Mood: If her gums aren’t bothering her from teething, she’s an angel! She is go-with-the-flow and loves to watch Elle play or hang out while I cook and clean. She definitely isn’t as bright-eyed as Elle and a touch more cautious before warming up to others, but she is probably happier over all. Her eyebrows are SO expressive. (She gets that from Jonathan!) She can go from happy looking to very inquisitive in a millisecond. If you know Elle, she only has 2 – excited and VERY excited. Ha! I just love how different they are even as babies! If someone else holds her, she will be fine as long as she hears my voice every few minutes. She clings to me in every sense of the word. When I put her down I have to peel her fingers off my clothes because she clutches on for dear life. It’s funny that she is both more needy and more chill. She doesn’t often cry in the morning when she wakes up, and she’s pretty patient when she’s hungry. I also won’t know she has a dirty diaper sometimes because she doesn’t make a fuss about it. Loves/Doesn’t love: She loves being on her tummy, playing or chewing on something. She HATES the swing, sadly. She loves sleeping in her crib. She likes anything we let her taste. She likes being held up, facing us with her head up on our shoulders. She plays with her feet all the time and liked to be moving. If she’s fussy sitting down is not an option. Ha! She loves to “stand up” too and will happily jump in your lap. Things I want to remember: HER SMILE – when she smiles at you it’s very special. She locks eyes and it’s like the best present. She smiles almost every time we say “Dada” which is the cutest thing. I love how strong she has always been. Her little legs straighten out and you can barely move them. She also rolls all around her crib. At night she probably moves from front to back in every corner of the crib several times before morning. She also sleeps with her little butt in the air and it’s so cute. She is trying to army crawl and sit up, which I am so not ready for! I think she wants to try to keep up with Elle. Good luck sweetheart! Ha! I can’t even do that! Teething these last two months is not something I especially want to remember, but it is cute how Winnie the Pooh calms her down just like it did for Elle. She is also a music girl. Christy Nockel’s lullaby album is magic for her. She likes calm worship music for sleeping. She seems highly affected by it, and so am I. Being outside makes her very happy as well. I feel a kindredness to her, whereas Elle has always been a bright, blasting ray of light that blinds me. I love both of them for who they are and I cannot imagine anything different. Even though she seems a bit more sensitive and needy of me as a baby, I love the bond we share. She’s my easy and calm. I wouldn’t change a thing. Oh, and we finally got her cradle cap to go away with some french shampoo for sensitive skin! It’s been 3 months! Her hair is finally growing back now, so that is definitely a wonderful thing! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |