My Little Mirror
My little lady is getting quite the personality these days. Her smile melts my heart into a puddle on the floor. She is becoming so playful, just like her daddy. I’m sure she’ll be like him in a lot of ways, but most of the time it feels like I’m looking at a little mirror of myself. Physically, she is starting to look more and more like me everyday. It won’t be long before she acts like me too. I forget to pay attention to that sometimes because she’s so little. But then again, she’s so much bigger than she was and I only just blinked for a second. Molding and shaping starts now, even in the little things. Really, it’s the little things that matter most. We’ve had some pretty rough days. I’m still struggling to figure out how to balance all the loves in my life. Still, God is teaching me so many things through her. She is changing so quickly, but then again, I am too. I’m learning how to start the day with joy, because she feeds off of my mood. It all starts with me. I cannot teach her if I am not learning myself. I can’t help her go far I’m I’m not reaching. Right now it seems so easy just to “get by” and simply make it through the day. That’s not the life I want for her, so why would I settle for that myself? As I’m trying help her grow, she’s growing me.
I love my sweet little lady! She is the brightest light in our lives.

I should remember to bust out my film camera more for her. These are my favorites. There is such beauty in the simple.