The photo above makes my heart so incredibly happy. For the first time in a year ALL of my family was under the same roof…only this year we added Elle girl! I had NO IDEA that I was pregnant with Eleanora last Thanksgiving. I felt bleh, but didn’t know why. We found out right after we got home. My heart was so full the whole trip. My brother Luke has been traveling the country since Eleanora’s due date (she was late), so he was able to meet her for the first time. It is SO CUTE to watch my parents as grandparents now. I love it. Eleanora was a little thrown off at not being home this trip because she’s much more aware of her surroundings. All the people kind of freaked her out at first, but it was sweet to see her “meet” everyone again. I know she’ll look forward to our visits more and more as she gets older. I’m so glad to have all these memories to store away. My mom has always been so great at capturing our family memories. She has at least 20 huge photo albums of our childhoods. Now it’s my turn to do the same for my family…although, when I’m home I’ve become the designated photographer. (I have no idea why. Haha!) I will warn you, there are so many photos. We are a picture taking family, and we took even more with it being Eleanora’s first Thanksgiving! Mom might need SEVERAL pages in the album for these! Man, I love these people!
Is this not the most precious thing you have ever seen in your life? She is a Daddy’s girl for sure!
I had the pleasure of taking a few new photos for my brother and sister-in-law while I was home too. I mean, they have to pull my leg so hard to photograph their gorgeous selves. It’s a burden I tell you…such a burden.
I may or may not have spent the whole morning creating a tablescape for our Thanksgiving table instead of helping in the kitchen. Oops!
Aren’t’ they just the cutest? Papa & Ama are the best.
LOVE your family!