This girl! We loved celebrating her birthday with family and friends, 3 times in fact! Ha! We ended up breaking up the celebrations into 3 small parties. It was perfect. She’s certainly a little girl, not a baby anymore. She is a free-spirit, lively and full of light. Doing a boho party just felt right for this spunk! My favorite thing about this stage is how much she’s learning every day. She is a little parrot and pickup on on things so quickly – from learning the ABC’s to all of our full names. I love helping her explore the world! Mostly, we are working on learning to be kind and gracious. She has so much potential to be such a light to those around her. She’s so outgoing and loves people (except when she’s just not in the mood) and I see how she could be the one to reach out to those who are on the outskirts. We’re praying these things over her life this year. Now to lead by example! That’s the hard part. We love you Elle!