I shared this a week or two ago on instagram, but I wanted to expound upon it here as well. Motherhood feels like the gentle rise of a tide. It isn’t something I really noticed until it was high and had overtaken everything in it’s beautiful current. What was once small is now vast and powerful. It’s a love that can gently caress like waves on the shore or become as fearsome as a torrential storm. It is something I never expected. It’s pull on my heart is greater than I ever imagined. It’s is both painful and completely wonderful at the same time. It’s an undertow I gladly let overwhelm me. By drowning in it’s waves I found a new way to breathe. Motherhood is changing me like stones under rushing water. It sweeps me up and yet is so gentle and gradual. My heart is lost and found in motherhoods paradoxical ocean. And I don’t mind one bit that I’m far out in it’s sea.