Our little Eleanora is already 2 weeks old! I can’t believe it. I’m hoping to document a few memories and images of her for each stage. They’re a bit random, but they’ll probably be from our daily moments together that I want to remember. So far Eleanora seems to have a laid back personality. For the most part she’s very pleasant when she’s awake. She loves the late morning and early afternoon hours and gets a little fussy at night right before bed. (It’s usually when Jonathan and I finally sit down on the couch together. Of course!) When she is awake, she is likes all the attention. She’s a great little eater and was already almost 8lbs at her 2 week check up. She doesn’t look it though with her tiny hiney and skinny arms and legs! Her eyes have also become lighter and more blue everyday. She loves her swing and her froggy paci. So far we call her Eleanora, baby girl, sweet cheeks and sweet girl. I’m sure the list will get much longer! We’ve also managed to get her to sleep in her crib, after trying a million different things! I’m still pretty tired from going to bed late and getting up in the middle of the night, but I’m hoping we can fall into a good schedule this next week. Its been challenging, but we are so thankful for her little life. Whenever I get so exhausted that I feel like I cant do it anymore, she always gives me the cutest little smile. It’s a sweet reminder that all this is worth the sacrifice, and that this is meant to refine me. She’s already growing and changing so quickly, so I’m trying to remember to soak in all these little moments.
Little lady was 4 days old here! We managed to get dressed and out the door for our 4 day appointment! It was a major success. I adore this little sailor outfit!
Eleanora wasn’t a huge fan of her first bath, but she likes them much better now that she can sit in the water. She looks so enthused! Ha!
We love our morning snuggles…especially on Saturday when Jonathan is home too!
Ah, I think she is just a doll…most of the time! She’s awake quite a lot, but when she does finally sleep it’s hilarious. Almost nothing will wake her up.
We love our little Eleanora Rose!
Beautiful…all of you! Hugs and blessings, Cindy
She is so incredibly beautiful! What a precious little blessing!
Thank you so much Kristen!