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Eleanora At Play


This girl is full of so much fun and life. It’s so sweet watching her play. Her personality and vocabulary have exploded lately! Here are a few of my favorite “Eleanora-isms” lately:

  • “What’s that Mommy?” (we ask about everything!) I answer. “Yeah, you’re right!” (as if she knew and was testing me! ha!)
  • “You are my BEST FRIEND! I love you.” (singing song from Little Einsteins.)
  • Mommy, can I have a quarter? (errrrry day…because quarters mean a token for the Carousel at the mall.)
  • Walks out of the room. Closes door. Door swings open. “I’m BAAACK!!!”
  • In princess shoes: “Introducing Princess Eleanora Rose Blair!!!”
  • “What’s daddy’s whole name? Jofanin Morgin Bwair! What’s mommy’s whole name? Jifnah Christine Bwair!”
  • Person asks, how are you today? “I’m two.”
  • My hair is in a braid. “Ah! Mommy, your hair is like Elsa!”
  • “I wear a scarf like Jesus mommy!”
  • Takes off crown, makes sad face. “I’m not a princess anymore.”
  • Pitches fit about leaving the park. We get in the car and she’s still crying. “Mommy, I need Jesus! Let’s pray!”
  • On a walk around the neighborhood: “Mommy, I go Jesus’ house now.”
  • Me: Elle I’m so proud of you for ____. “Mommy, I’m so proud of you too.” (mimicking my tone)
  • Pulls up to church and she exclaims: “PIZZA!!!!” (we might hang around youth/college kids a lot! haha!)
  • Grabs my mic as I’m setting up for sound check, takes center stage: “Let it go! Let it go! Can’t hold it back anymore!”
  • “Mommy, I made a mess” (at least she tells me when she gets in trouble! eek!)
  • “I cuddle couch.” (she loves cuddling.)
  • “I need to read my Bible story right now.” (when I ask her to clean her room! ha!)
  • While sweeping: “Mommy, don’t step in my piles!”
  • Looks around the living room. “Pillows are ALL AROUND US!” Haha! (It’s true though – I like pillows!)
  • Out shopping looking at clothes or something else at Target: “Nope, not cute. Mm mm.” Shakes head.
