We made it to 2 months! Hooray! Our sweet Elle has grown SO MUCH and I can’t believe how quickly these days are going by. Yesterday she rolled over on her tummy by herself. SOMEONE STOP TIME PLEASE! She is getting such a cute little personality. I really do love her to pieces. It’s definitely not easy being her mama, but I love my little tag-along! Most of the time she’s so good when we go out, so I can’t complain. We had her first shopping trip with Auntie Ashley a few weeks ago. (Start ’em early!) She traveled with me to a wedding 4 hours away and to several other things. We visited both grandparent’s houses for the first time this month and started going to church on Sundays too. She has these awesome sound canceling headphones so she can be around loud events. I mean, we are into music and are at a million youth events, so we had to have something. I’m not missing out on everything just because we have a kid. It’s actually more fun to go to everything with her…even if she has a blow out and spits up all over everything! She’s such a joy and I look forward to going on many more adventures with her.
Weight: This little chunk is just over 11 lbs! Hoorah! She is 25 inches long too. She has gotten SO MUCH bigger in the past two weeks! She’s in the 1 diapers now too. We ran out of the newborns just in time.
Clothing: We’ve finally outgrown her newborn clothes. I can’t snap the buttons on the little onesies any longer, which is a little sad. We actually didn’t get many 0-3 month clothes. I had to go buy her some jammies that fit! We’ll see if we can get by with just a few. They grow out of things so quickly that it’s kind of pointless to get much for each size! I can’t say that I don’t love to dress her. I *try* not to spend much on her. A little lady does need plenty of headbands though! And those moccasins are pretty much the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.
Sleep: We started doing a new schedule with Elle and it’s working BEAUTIFULLY! She has started sleeping around 7 hours some nights. (Cue the angels singing “Hallelujah!”) I’m a much happier girl now that I’m getting a little more sleep. Now, if only I could go to bed when she does…oh well! Her problems are mainly that she likes to stay up late at night…just like daddy. Sometimes we just can’t get her to fall asleep at night, but other nights she’s out like a light at 9pm. We’re working on it, but I know nothing will every work perfectly every night. When she’s having trouble, we can lay her on Jonathan’s chest and she will fall asleep almost every time. She loves him better than me…I’m convinced. She loves being around people when she’s awake, but then wants to be put down when she’s tired. We’ve started teaching her to nap in her crib and she seems to prefer it most of the time.
Eating: She eats like a champ! No problems yet…thankfully! I feel SO BLESSED! This was one of the things I worried about the most since she was born. As her emerging leg rolls will attest, she is getting to be a chub. I love it.
Mood: She’s generally pretty happy most of the time. She loves mid-mornings and early afternoons the best, but then again she smiles just about all day on most days. She gets mad when she’s sleepy, hungry or has gas…but hey, that’s me too! Haha! She has some bad days where nothing makes her happy, but she’s laid back and easy to please most of the time.
Loves: She’s less interested in her paci these days and more inquisitive about her surroundings. The playmat is a new favorite. She will lay there happily and swat at the toys for up to an hour sometimes, esepecially if she’s where she can see the fireplace. She LOVES looking at it! I think it’s hilarious. She smiles almost every time she sees it! She loves to play the “sit up” game where she grips my fingers and I pull her up. When she’s awake she really loves any time she can sit or stand up (with our help of course) and feel independent. Her expressions are the best. She’s also fascinated with Jonathan’s beard and will lick it if we let her. Although, she really likes daddy in general. She thinks he’s funny, but I do too! Bath time and being naked in general is also a favorite.
Doesn’t love: Dirty diapers. Being hungry. You know, the usual.
Things I want to remember: I wish I could bottle up her little noises. I never manage to get them recorded. I love her grunts and coos. She’s close to babbling at us. I wish I could freeze the way she looks at me when I go get her in the morning. Her smile first thing in the morning makes my day. She figured out the bottom lip pout this month. It’s hilarious. I’m sure there are so many other things, but maybe I’ll come back and put them here later. Sleep deprivation makes me a little foggy…you know.
We love you E! Don’t get any bigger, ok? Thanks. (Just kidding, but seriously!)