Today isn’t happening. Eleanora cannot possibly be 11 months old! I’m in complete denial. And yet, the birthday invitations have been ordered! One more month and we will have a 1 year old!
Development/ Things I want to remember: Elle is still doing great with walking. She toddles all over the house, almost running sometimes, with arms full of toys. She can climb stairs…she’s working on the fridge too! The cutest development is her dance moves. When she likes a song she’ll wave her arm and shake side to side. It’s the sweetest thing. She also learned how to do the cheesy scrunched-nose grin and it is the cutest thing ever. (See photo below.) She does it a lot when she’s happy. I don’t ever want to forget that sometimes she will clap her hands to fall asleep. It’s hilarious! She will lay there with her paci and bear clapping until she conks out! Haha! It’s also adorable how she points to wherever she wants to go. Her hair is also getting longer and curlier by the day…which makes me ridiculously happy!
Weight: I’m not sure, but she definitely gained a pound or two this month. She’s taller for sure. Some of her little outfits are getting short!
Clothing: Same as last month. She’s officially outgrown her 6-9 month onesies though. They’re too short to button. Her feet have finally gotten too big for her 3-6 month shoes too!
Sleep: ELLE LEARNED HOW TO SLEEP IN!!! Hallelujah! She used to always cry for a bottle around 6-7 and now she sleeps in until 7:30-8 am everyday! It’s a game changer for me. I can actually get up, shower, have coffee and some alone time before she gets up. It’s such a luxury!
Eating: This girl certainly still loves food. If I’m eating it, she has to have some too. Cheerios make her insanely happy.
Personality/ Mood: Elle is definitely a people person these days. She will just walk off without me when we go somewhere and make a friend. The other day we walked into church and she went over to a group of girls, waved, did this shoulder shrug – open arms thing and gave them her biggest cheese grin as if to say “Hey girls! I’m back!” She started to give kisses ALL THE TIME and gives me at least 100 per day. If you ask for kisses, she will give them to anyone! That’s the sweet part of her…but she’s also developing a bit of a temper. When she doesn’t want me to put her down or take something she gives a annoyed yell that doesn’t sound so lovely. We’re also trying to learn how to share so she’s not the mean baby in the nursery. She likes sharing…most of the time!
Loves: Almost every day we go outside to smell the flowers and look for the neighbor kitty cats that like to chill in our yard. When we see said kitties it makes her day. She “meows” quite well at them. (Adorable!) She still can’t live without her Beau the Bear from France. He gets lots of “kisses” and I’m pretty sure I wash him once a week. She carries him all over the house and cuddles his tag (on his butt) to fall asleep. Elle has started to really love her books this month. She will sit and “read” her favorites for an hour sometimes as she “sings” to herself and points to the animals on the page.
Doesn’t love: Not eating, not getting her bottle fast enough, not having the “toy” she wants that is really a pair of scissors or something, getting her diaper changed, me telling her not to gulp the bathwater, etc…Basic baby stuff. She also didn’t love the fireworks on the 4th of July, which actually surprised me. She hasn’t been afraid of ANYTHING yet!
There isn’t anything in the world I think is more beautiful than this sweet face!