Goodness, I love life with this girl! I can’t say this new toddler stage is easy AT ALL…but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. She’s teaching me so much these days. My heart is wrecked forever in the best way. Eleanora is so full of personality these days. She’s very expressive and social. I like knowing her and I think she’s pretty cool! I love exploring life with her. She is a bright light and a joy in the midst of a lot of heavy things weighing on my heart. I wish I had time to write down all that has been swirling around in my head these days, but nap time is only so long, you know. This baby spam will have to suffice for now. (I just got all these personal film scans I saved up from October in…my heart is melting!)
PS: Thanks to Kaylie B. Poplin for the cute shots of both of us. 🙂