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Category Archives: baby blair

Easter with Baby Blair

This Easter was a special one for us this year. I loved having our little one sort-of in the picture with us. The light was pretty icky, but we managed to get a few photos! Little lady sure is making my tummy big and uncomfortable, but we love her anyway. 🙂 It’s also great to […]

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Leslie - April 22, 2014 - 1:45 am

So lovely! You are looking gorgeous, Jennifer! I hope you continue to feel well and that you stay as comfortable as can be. Pregnancy is challenging in a lot of ways but you are handling it with such grace!

23 & 24 week update

Our little girl is a whopping pound and a half…or close to it these days! I can’t believe she’s getting so big. We still have a ways to go though! People are starting to notice my bump more, so that is fun! I’ve been able to tell for a very long time, but it’s finally […]

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Emily grapes - April 15, 2014 - 5:14 pm

You look fabulous in that dress! So pretty! I have to say, its quite the win if you don’t have to get out of bed throughout the night, if you’re drinking 1-2 glasses of water beforehand. Quite impressive. 😉

Jennifer Blair - April 15, 2014 - 5:49 pm

Thanks Em! The front angle is much better than the side! Ha! 🙂 I know! I’m living it up while I can.

Brooke Tollison - April 23, 2014 - 1:55 pm

Lovely picture I love your dress! I didn’t have stretch marks at all when I was pregnant and then after I gave birth I was like” ” where’d these come from??” I wish I would have out something on my skin while pregnant!

Little Jen or Little Jonathan?

I love thinking about what our little girl is going to look like when she arrives. I found a few old photos the other day and couldn’t help but put them together. Jonathan and I definitely didn’t look anything like each other as kids, so I’m very curious as to who she’s favor more. Curly […]

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ashley - April 2, 2014 - 9:24 pm

I’m hoping she has mom’s piecing blue eyes!

21 & 22 week update

Sorry for the strange coloring in this photo. I need to find a better room in our new house for these photos! Speaking of the new house, we are all moved and settled in! That’s part of the reason I missed last week. We are so very happy to be in our new home. It […]

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20 week update

HALF WAY!!!! I can’t believe we’re over half way to meeting our little miss. It still doesn’t seem real that it won’t be just the two of us pretty soon. I know the next four months are going to fly by so quickly! We’ve got lots to do before we’re ready for her entrance into […]

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Christina Schergen - March 31, 2014 - 7:27 pm

awwwww congrats!!!!! so excited for you!!! you look great!!!

Emily Wright - April 14, 2014 - 6:41 pm


I hear coconut oil is good for sore, dry, cracked areas during mom times.

I also hear that sleeping on your left side is optimal and I learned that babies only move clockwise! I didn’t know that. Trasity (New) Shores is pregnant with her third and she’s using a doula this time. I learned so much from her in just 5 minutes! Crazy stuff.