I am so thankful to be hitting the home stretch with this sweet babe! Notice the wall color difference between this photo and my last update? It’s such a pretty soft gray. I LOVED the blue in Elle’s old room, but excited for a new color for a new baby. The nursery is coming along ok. We still have lots to do, a dresser to find in our budget and curtains to hang. Thankfully it’s a small room and looks full without much furniture.
How big is baby: as big as an eggplant, between 2.5 lbs
How I’m feeling: Still feeling much better for the most part. My larger belly makes it harder to do things and running around after my toddler is definitely making me tired! Also, giving her a bath has become a method of torture for me. I used to lean over on the side of the tub! No more. I’m going to have to figure out a better way or Elle is going to be learning how to wash her own hair very soon.
Weight gain/ clothes: 12-13 lbs. I’ve finally hit the part where I never know what is going to fit when I get dressed. Thankfully, it is warm so I can pull out my shorts. Pants will not stay up for anything. I’m just working with whatever will fit at this point and *hopefully* can avoid purchasing anything besides maybe one stretchy shirt at the very end.
Symptoms: A little indigestion, back aches, ligament pain, tiredness, discomfort due to my growing size. It’s uncomfortable rolling over at night! Ha!
Sleep: We had colds a last week which made sleep not so fun, but other than that I sleep like a log! I’m so tired when I go to bed at night…probably from not stopping during the day. (I know, I should take breaks…but it’s just not in my nature.)
Diet/ cravings/ aversions: FOOD! Glorious food! I have been doing a lot of research lately on non-GMOS and plant-based diets. It has really given me quite the motivation to get better at making my own things in the kitchen. I’ve learned how to make bread and hummus in the last 2 weeks! It brings me so much joy to learn something new. And it’s incredibly rewarding to find a way to save money AND know exactly what we are putting in our bodies. I’m trying to get a few things streamlined in our weekly routines so I can have everything down pat when baby comes in June. T-minus 12 weeks give or take! So, no cravings really…we’re just loving a more “whole” outlook on food.
Movement: Kick-fest starts every night at 10:30 pm and she hits high gear around 11…I can feel her little hand, elbow or foot scraping my insides or pressing out with all her might. I love feeling her, but she sure does know how to hurt me!
Exercise: Still doing ok. I’ve found I can’t do a whole lot of exercise, since I’m fairly certain I get in a good bit during the day with everything Elle and I do together. I definitely have to rest for at least 15 minutes after working out. It isn’t always feasible to fit in a workout AND rest so I have to plan the workout days when our schedule will allow. But overall, I feel pretty strong. As long as I’m replenishing the calories spent with good nutrients, I feel my stamina is pretty good. Hopefully I can keep it up as I get bigger and bigger.
What I’m looking forward to/ best moment this week: (I did pass my glucose test, btw! Yay!) I don’t have anything in particular I’m looking towards. In fact, I feel the Lord leading my heart to stay focused on each day as it comes. Learning to truly savor each day, grateful for whatever He has for me to do.
Mood: Thankful. Expectant.
This has been such a season of change for my heart, perhaps even more than I felt I changed when Elle was born. Learning it’s ok to listen to God’s leading even when it makes no sense for biz/ finances, and that is is OK to slow down…like all the way! But the Lord knows my natural inclinations to be and do so much, and is pushing me out of my comfort zone into a rhythms of less. I’m excited (and honestly extremely scared) as I enter a few months of mostly just being fully present in our home each day. Choosing to trust in His leading for the sweet work He gives me and when it’s done, rest in simply being His and letting Him tell me when it’s time to pick back up. It’s so hard for me to “let go” of the reins on my plans on what He’s allowed me to build up so much, and totally opposite of good business practices. But His way, always. He knows me best. All I have and am is His…so when He says stay, I stay. He is my CHOSEN portion. His boundaries on my life win every time, whether or not I would have chosen them for myself or not. Nothing else will satisfy. All the comfort in the world can’t come close to the joy of being in His shadow, even in the most UNcomfortable of places.