Well, I never did get around to posting Elle’s 1 year update. Goodness, so much has changed. She’s quite the big girl these days and in 2 weeks she’ll be a year and three months old! She’s into EVERYTHING. I love it though. Watching her learn and start to really understand what we are saying is so fun. Recent developments have been learning to sign “please” and “thank you,” moving her piano bench around so she can reach things, coloring with crayons, talking up a storm and becoming miss independent. She loves to say “Bye” and run away from me. It’s a good thing she doesn’t go too fast. She says Dada, Beary, Mama (occasionally…grrr), bird, night-night, pee (puppy), tee (kitty) and a few other things we’re still working on. And her HAIR! Oh the curls! They get me every single day. I love them. She also obeys pretty well right now and knows when she’s into some kind of trouble. She still loves naps and usually takes two hour naps twice a day. (Insert praise hands!!! Naps please last forever!) Elle is obsessed with all shoes, jewelry, socks, hats, etc…and will often have an array of accessories for the day that she chose herself. It’s adorable. We have 12 teeth in that little mouth with more on the way. She eats only table food now and is especially fond of broccoli, apples, celery, cheese and basically anything that she can feed herself. My favorite thing is when she sits down to “read” her books and babbles up a storm. It’s so sweet. I could write about her forever, but really I’m just so glad to be her mama. She isn’t always easy (read: most of the time NOT) but I really wouldn’t change a thing.