This year, my good friend Ashley and I decided that instead of presents we’d make a point to spend time together somewhere. Living in different cities can be difficult when it comes to friendship if you don’t make a point to connect. Ash and I have been through so much together that we always pick up right where we left off. Sometimes we talk everyday, sometimes we don’t talk for a week or two. She’s a gem of a friend. I really don’t know how I ever got along before her. Of course, if you know Ashley at all you know that being around her is always a blast. She is the epitome of a good time. I like who I am when I’m with her! It was so refreshing to get away. I had actually just been to Rosemary Beach for work, but it definitely wasn’t restful even though I love traveling regardless! We both needed it. For me, traveling is much more than going some place fun. It’s inspiration, rejuvenation and gives me time for reflection. We found a great deal on this quaint, cozy (aka small) condo close by and our 3 days together were perfect. I’m so glad E will have such a great “auntie” to look up to as she grows up. Love you Ash!