I think I’ve finally reached the point where I am ready to get things moving here. There aren’t any definitive signs yet, but goodness I’m ready for them! Of course there are still things that still “need” to be done, but I really don’t care that much anymore! We both got haircuts, my nails are painted, the nursery is done, the yard has been mowed, our bag is sort of packed, I’ve done all the laundry that can be done, the house is clean (or clean enough at least!) and we’re working on getting the carseat in the car. (Side note: why do they make everything baby so complicated these days? We can barely figure out how to work the darn thing!) I’d say we’re plenty ready enough! Every day I wake up, clorox our bathroom counter and wonder if today is the day. (Yeah…don’t ask me why, but going into labor with a less-than-clean bathroom seems unthinkable! Ha!) I have to admit it’s a little sad to wake up in the morning and feel the same. Although, I don’t think it helps that everyone calling and texting us to see if anything is happening every day either! Ha! (We still love you all though! We’re antsy too.) Anyway, I’m really hoping I won’t get to a 40 week update, but we’ll see!
How big is baby: The size of a watermelon | 39 weeks 1 day
How I’m feeling: Well, I’m feeling very pregnant! Ha! Currently I have two little feet pressing up behind my stomach. It feels so comfortable…kidding! Other than that I’m good. I feel less energy and yet I have more motivation to get things done at the same time. My slight OCD gets worse by the day it seems. It bothers me a little bit more than normal if things aren’t put away and clean.
Weight gain/ Loss: 20-25 lbs (Depends on the day)
Maternity clothes: I’m still rocking the few outfits I have that still fit! I don’t feel like I’ve gotten much “bigger” than I have been since week 36 or so.
Stretch Marks: Nothing but a faint line right down my middle.
Sleep: Eh, its decent some nights. Most of the time I wake up 4 or 5 times…and if I’m up I might as well visit the restroom and readjust. Laying down just isn’t that comfortable any more I guess.
Diet/ Cravings/ Aversions: Nothing really. I’m eating lots of watermelon, pineapple and mangos. I still love salads with tons of fresh toppings. I’m not a fan of anything heavy…mostly because it makes me feel ridiculously full.
Movement: She still moves all the time! I never have to worry about her in there, that’s for sure. It seems like she’s been getting hiccups more frequently too.
What I’m loving: I love that we are finally DONE with the nursery! Well, that is except for 3 hooks that need to go up on the wall for her headbands, hats and such. It makes me so happy to be in that room!
Symptoms: My brain definitely isn’t functioning with as much clarity these days. I feel “fuzzy” and forgetful. I drop EVERYTHING, which is pretty inconvenient since it’s kind of hard to bend over! Ha! I don’t seem to have much energy if I don’t get up and start projects. If I’m busy then I seem to be fine. It’s when I stop for a moment that it hits me. I wish there were more labor signs, but there’s nothing except for the fact that she’s sitting low.
Exercise: I’m walking, doing a little yard work and cleaning the house, but that’s it.
What I’m looking forward to: I’m so ready to finally get things moving towards labor. I’ve reached the point where I don’t even care if everything gets done or not. I’m just ready to meet her!
Best moment of the week: It’s been wonderful to have Jonathan back home…finally! His job keeps him so busy in the Summer that I haven’t seen much of him. I normally do a lot more, but being 8-9 months pregnant and youth camps don’t go together very well! I’m happy to spend a few days together before our 2 becomes 3.
Mood: Definitely very ready.