Can I just say how wonderful it is to wear black during pregnancy, especially these days! It’s like magic…at least from the front! Ha! All I have to do it turn to the side and BOOM I’m very pregnant! These few weeks of summertime are busy ones, and I’ve already cut back plenty. I was planning on going to Middle School camp with our youth until I realized that was a really horrible idea. I missed being there, but I completed lots of nursery projects! Little E’s dresser has been painted, as well as a side table. I found the fabric for her crib skirt, finalized some art and frame choices, finished a slew of thank-you notes and organized lots of presents that were taking over everything. I tell you, getting ready to have a baby is hard work…and not just on my body! There is so much to do that it feels ridiculous sometimes! Of course, I’m kind of cheap when it comes to decorating so I’ve been scouring everywhere for the best deals and doing lots of DIY projects. We’re getting there though!
How big is baby: The size of a pineapple | 33 weeks 3 days
How I’m feeling: I’m still feeling great. I can’t really complain. I was kind of tired last weekend, but that is probably because I stayed up past midnight every night Jonathan was gone last week. I always take the opportunity to do lots of projects when he’s out of town, because let’s face it, I can’t sleep very well anyway!
Weight gain/ Loss: 17-18 lbs. I’m definitely creeping close to 20. That sounds like a TON but I feel likes it’s mostly bump…which I am totally ok with! I’m so close to the end that monitoring it doesn’t seem too important.
Maternity clothes: Just the black dress above. I wear it all the time because it’s so comfy! I’ve been living in some stretchy shorts and v-necks from Target lately.
Stretch Marks: Not really!
Sleep: Sleep still going pretty well. I wake up super thirsty sometimes and then it takes a while to get comfortable again…but that’s about it!
Diet/ Cravings/ Aversions: Do popsicles count as a craving? Ha! I still don’t crave anything per se…but I do eat a lot of popsicles. Hello, it is extremely hot in the south!
Movement: THANKFULLY, little lady has moved her head down and that has made things LOADS more enjoyable for me. Her movements don’t bother me nearly as much. She still moves a lot, but now it’s her little butt or knees pressing out on my stomach. I’ll feel a footsie here and there too…but I think she’s facing the other direction. She’s exactly where she’s supposed to be and I hope it stays that way!
What I’m loving: I’ve made lots of progress in the nursery and now it’s much easier to see what it will look like! I LOVE walking by her room.
Symptoms: Nothing much. I’m get thirsty all the time, but that’s about it. Oh, and it’s a lot harder to get up off the couch. Ha!
Exercise: I had a great week last week! I’m still running some, so that makes me happy. I probably won’t do much this week because we have VBS all morning and events at night. I have to conserve energy somewhere!
What I’m looking forward to: Finishing up my last 2 weddings this weekend and next! I love my sweet couples and I’m so excited to celebrate with them, and then officially take my maternity leave…well, sort of at least!
Best moment of the week: Probably watching our little girl make my stomach contort so strangely. It’s fun when Jonathan and I both watch her. She’s already making us laugh.
Mood: Fat and happy!