How big is baby: The size of an Avocado | 16 Weeks 4 days
How I’m feeling: I’m feeling great so far, minus some indigestion that keeps me up at night sometimes.
Weight gain/loss: 3-4 lbs? The scale stays about the same everyday, but I’m sure that will change very soon. I think I look bigger though. Baby is healthy and growing like a weed, so that is all that matters.
Weight gain/loss: 3-4 lbs? The scale stays about the same everyday, but I’m sure that will change very soon. I think I look bigger though. Baby is healthy and growing like a weed, so that is all that matters.
Maternity clothes: Not this week. It’s been warming up a little lately, so I’ve pulled out some Spring dresses! Yay!
Stretch marks: Nope!
Sleep: I’ve been sleeping in a lot more this week when I can. I blame it on my belly keeping me up at night a lot.
Diet/Cravings/Aversions: I still love fresh veggies and fruit more than anything. Cucumbers and hummus seem especially delicious. I still don’t love meat, probably because I don’t really like much in general.
Movement: Not really, but I can’t wait!
What I’m loving: Knowing that baby is a girl! We found out yesterday and I’m so in love with her already.
Symptoms: A little bloating and a lot of tightness in my tummy area. I assume it’s because my insides are making more room for the little one. I feel like there is no room for my food when I eat!
What I’m looking forward to: Planning our little girl’s nursery. I’m not huge on pink, actually I almost loathe that color. I’ll be looking for ideas without it. I figure it will be easier to keep the room “the nursery” for more than one baby that way too.
Best moment of the week: Finding out we’re having a girl!!!
Mood: Happy, well besides when I have horrible indigestion. It has reminded me to depend on the Lord more. I pray a lot more these days, even about making it home before hitting the toilet. He is so good and gracious. I feel so blessed.
You’re so beautiful! Congrats on the little one
A friend introduced me to your blog today and I’m already loving it! Can’t wait to read more
Blessings, Amanda